Friday, August 7, 2009

Little Guy's First Swim

Little Guy has certainly been through a lot this summer. Our church was having its annual pool party at the local pool, so we decided to take him off his oxygen for just a few minutes and let him have some fun. He really seemed to enjoy it. I don't know if it was the water or all the people or just having his Daddy all to himself, but something sure was fun to him. He was very tired after about twenty minutes of swimming, so Grandma Kelly made sure he got plenty of love and snuggles while he slept. As his mom, it was nice to have him do something that "normal" or "typical" kids his age do. No hearing aids for a while, no oxygen for a little while. Just fun.
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  1. Oh, such a sweetheart. It is nice that he was able to shed his gear for some splash time!

  2. Hi Aimee, just found your amazing story! Wow you've been through alot... and you remain so positive in your posts. I just love reading them, they are very entertaining, especially the letter of recommendations you write to your little guy, it's hilarious. Hang in there, we are rootin' for you, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
