Monday, August 17, 2009

Floating Down the Mainstream

The Beast starts Kindergarten next week. I'm so excited for him because he gets to be completely mainstreamed! Go Beast!!! He'll be riding the special ed. bus home because of some behavior issues on his part, but that's about it. Beyond that, he'll be "just like everyone else". I went to his classroom today to sit in on his teachers' inservice on how to use his equipment, what he hears like, etc. I had a hand in selecting his teacher, and I'm delighted to say I chose the right one. She is so interested in his success and working hard to help him learn. It's going to be a challenging year for him, but she's going to be a wonderful teacher.


  1. Yay to the mainstream! We don't have any oral deaf preschools close enough to take advantage of, but we use John Tracy's materials to supplement our speech therapy sessions with Nolan. We don't have very many expressive language problems (he never quiets down, lol) but he has some verbal processing issues (repeats everything you say without answering questions, gets some words wrong becuase of mis-hearing them). Of course, he's only two, so perhaps I shouldn't be so picky (g)!

  2. Nolan sounds so much like the Beast! SO MUCH!! If it gives you any hope, the Beast is totally out of speech now because his speech is "just too good". Figures. Rofl!!

  3. I have a feeling NOlan will be the same way (I hope)! It would be great to be out of speech by kindergarten. We do have some funny grammar issues (not sure if that's hearing or age related). He'll say "Asleep a daddy" for "daddy is asleep" and "ball has a doggie" for "the doggie has a ball." His syntax is backwards, lol. We'll get that figured out in time, though. My hearing kiddo couldn't talk until he was nearly three, so I've never had a talking two year old before!

  4. Here's to a great first year of mainstream school! Go Beast! ; )
